Coach Cate

Coach Cate

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Off Of Interstate 10 Forever!!!

Saturday March 5, 2011

To my surprise last night, an exit earlier than I had expected, I was able to get off the exit and onto a frontage road that would take me into Deming.
So, yesterday was my last official pedal on Intersate 10 and I was so glad of this.  Even though there was a fairly large shoulder for cycling, I was glad to be done with dodging pieces of debris on the roadside and hearing and feeling huge trucks zooming by me!

Very early that morning, I had to deal with another flat and also headwinds heading east into Deming.

I did go to the library once I got into town to work on my website and then I stocked up on some food and more tubes and headed Northeast towards Hatch.

I rode a little over 50 miles on this day.  It was so nice to be on a secondary road for the afternoon.

I camped between Nutt and Hatch this night.  I was back out in the middle of the desert; listening to the cows in a distance, along with the coyotes.

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear you were able to get off route 10!I wondered how many flat tires you have changed along the way. Another great photo of the desert.
